NYSEG Smart Meter Presentations
NYSEG will be hosting three presentations on the new smart meters that will be rolling out by mid-April. These presentations will be on THURSDAY MARCH 27th. The virtual presentations (Microsoft Teams Meeting) will be held at 9:00 AM, 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM in order to accommodate as many of you as possible around other obligations.
Meeting ID: 359 880 496 029
Passcode: a8zP23Pv
+1 347-774-3063,,116651244# United States, New York City
Phone conference ID: 116 651 244#
Meeting ID: 316 644 548 052
Passcode: E54Co9Mx
+1 347-774-3063,,612370820# United States, New York City
Phone conference ID: 612 370 820#
Meeting ID: 386 866 696 163
Passcode: aZ7yQ9FU
+1 347-774-3063,,973806678# United States, New York City
Phone conference ID: 973 806 678#