Flood Information
There is information available at the Building and Zoning Dept for the Town of Middletown and the Village of Margaretville which includes information on how to correct drainage problems, how to retrofit existing structures, siting and building new structures, etc.
The office can also provide information on the flood hazards and flood protection measures and any other questions you may have on flood related matters.
For more information on any of these items, please contact Hiram Davis at (845) 586-2344 or by email at middletownceo@gmail.com.
Flood Contacts
Hiram Davis, Town of Middletown, Code Enforcement Officer, CFM – 845-586-2344, middletownceo@gmail.com
Shelly Johnson, Delaware County Planning Dept-607-832-5444 – shelly.johnson@co.delaware.ny.us
Jessica Rall, Delaware County Soil & Water Const. District, CFM, 607-865-7161, jessica-patterson@dcswcd.org
David Sherman, NYS-DEC, CFM, 518-357-2379, david.sherman@dec.ny.gov
Kelly Higgins-Roche, NYS-DEC, 518-408-0340, kellihiggins-roche@dec.ny.gov
Angelika Stewart, NYS-DEC, 607-652-7365, angelika.stewart@dec.ny.gov
William Nechamen, Nechamen Consulting, CFM, 518-707-6516, billnechamen@gmail.com
Zachary Diehl, NYC-DEP, 845-771-1133, zdiehl@dep.nyc.gov
Aaron Bennett, NYC-DEP CFM Flood Hazard Mitigation Coordinator, 845-771-1115, Aabennett@dep.nyc.gov
Cody Clemens, Army Core of Engineers, 518-266-6352, cody.l.clemens@usace.army.mil
Samantha Costa, Catskill Watershed Corporation, 845-586-1400, scosta@cwconline.org