Town Clerk / Tax Collector
Starting April 7th the Town Clerk’s office will be open open 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on Monday and Tuesdays.
If you have recently moved please contact the Assessors Office to update your address so you receive your tax bills.
Town Clerk / Tax Collector
Sarah Hubbell
Term: 1/1/24 – 12/31/27
42339 State Highway 28
Margaretville, NY
Monday - Friday:
8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Mailing Address
PO Box 577
Margaretville, NY
The Town Hall is closed on the following annual holidays:
New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, MLK Birthday, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Election Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day & Thanksgiving Friday, Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.
The Town Clerk can assist you with:
Certified Transcripts of Vital Records
Dog Licenses
Handicapped Parking Permits
Marriage Licenses
STAR Application Forms
Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance ($8 per copy)
Tax Map Available for Review
Town and County Maps
Transfer Station Permits
Voter Registration Forms
For Hunting and Fishing licenses, please visit NYS DEC Sporting Licenses.
Pay and Look Up Tax Bills Online
Tax bills will be collected from January 1st thru April 30th. If it is not in collection time please call the Delaware County Treasurer at (607) 832-5070.
For school taxes, please visit www.infotaxonline.com and search for properties in any NYS school district.
PDFs, open in new window
Vital Records
Birth Certificate Request (Fee: $10.00 each)
Marriage Certificate Request (Fee: $10.00 each)
Death Certificate Request (Fee: $10.00 each)
One Day Marriage Officiant
One Day Marriage Officiant License
Change of Address
For Town, County and School Taxes:
Transfer Station
Requires a filled-out application plus copies of:
Vehicle Registration
Plus one of the following:
Tax Bill Receipt
Utility Bill
Transfer Station Permit Application
Town Hall Use
The Town Hall is available for nonsectarian, non-profit organizations to use it for public purposes, as long as the events are free and open to everyone.
Dog Control Officer
Verna Dietrich
Phone: (845) 586-4643
Burn Permits
Forest Ranger Bink
Phone: (607) 643-9404